My artistic practice is a constant negotiation between: criticism, value, labour, copy vs original, language and writing. To avoid the traditional artist/gallerist relation I value the production of idea’s instead of objects. Ideas appear in their raw form as models or written schemes. I like to think that my art practise isn’t about the production of images, I see it as propositions that expose layers of desire.
In my personal research I incorporate concepts of intuition, I have a great interest in airflows and micro-drafts and I permanently research the colour red. I passionately read queer and black theory and aim to work according to the concepts of ‘inter-being’.
limitation, I am limited, I have confined myself. I want only one thing at a time: one color, one form type, one action or material. Time and again a duality or plurality arises, I do not look for it but it presents itself. This is not a failure but a new image. Why it is so hard to stay with one thing one thing is my subject as my understanding of it develops.